Broadway Update: March 2023

We were devastated to hear of the recent damage, caused by such relentless vandalism, to the Grow Outside CiC community garden. See more here:
At Broadway we have, along with our sister project Social Enterprise East Midlands, long been supporters of the work that Claire and her team do in supporting their community, and the horticultural and cultural success they had achieved to date.
We were delighted to donate a £1,000, from our partnership funds, to the greenhouse restoration programme.
A donation designed to help the people, as well as the plants, to grow…
Broadway Update: October 2022
We are delighted to be supporting the Nottingham based SocEnt P2P Housing – we know that our first donation of £500 will go directly to support those who have just been released from custody, in their city.
The P2P team utilise every penny donated to their work to supply domestic goods and home comfort articles to their clients in new housing, or to provide one to one help and support where additional social needs are evident.
We look forward to supporting their work regularly in the future.
You can see the work of P2P and beneficiary responses here…
Muddy Boots eco-loo installation now complete! July 2022 Eco-loo news.
‘A great big thank you to all our funders and individual donors for the opportunity to purchase and kit out our new eco loo. We are now ready to add to the comfort of all our garden visitors…’
All the monies, donated to Broadway SocEnt, were devoted to the purchase and installation of this new garden resource for the Muddy Boots project.
The project now caters to the well-being of all its visitors. They look forward to seeing you as always. Our thanks too, to everyone involved. The Broadway SocEnt team.
The Broadway Book Bobbler now does e-gift cards.
Ideal as seasonal gifts, birthdays or celebrations of any kind – use them to buy a great book from our lists. See the Bobbler here. Check out our new gift cards page here.
Every purchase contributes a little to the work of our community social enterprise.
November 2021 Eco-loo News: Thank you to everyone in the community who has donated money for the eco-loo project for the Muddy Boots Therapeutic Garden. Your kindness is very much appreciated.
The Muddy Boots Team have hit their funding target, £3,100, and the team are moving to the next project stage – procurement of the equipment, installation and testing.
A big thank you to the Anglesey Parish Grant Fund | East Staffordshire Borough Council (CCF Fund) | Broadway Social Enterprise | for their support and generosity. All contributions will make a difference to the support and comfort of our therapeutic garden visitors.
You can donate to our community projects at Broadway SocEnt anytime – see our Donation Page here.
‘Thank you to everyone who recently donated to Broadway Social Enterprise, as a memorial to our much missed friend and director, Rita Broomfield. We have added these monies to our general fund, to continue the wide range of community support projects that Rita held dear. Thank you!’
A quick, random, set of examples of the range of projects, which we use our surpluses and restricted donations to benefit…without your support we could not do this. – our SocEnt driven web business. Every penny we generate, after costs, is used to foster community well-being. – a charity delivering counselling and mental health support to communities. We provide a number of web sites and all web mail functions to enable their referrals from statutory bodies, and communication with clients and partners, to be both remote and effective.
BookBobbler – our book shop and literacy endeavour. Every time you buy a book from us, a small portion of the price goes to support our wider work.
Broadway Broccoli – a project in transition, as we work to design a new business model to see good value, healthy food made available in Staffordshire. – a new, developing social prescribing initiative, based in Derby. We provide web and communication services to this project. Helping communities to get better access to green facilities, the outdoors and healthy activity.
Grow Outside – a community garden, horticultural project in Derbyshire. Delighted to support Claire and the team in the development of their project. (We recently donated funds to help restore the project after a devastating vandalism attack – see the new item above).
BurtonPeace100 – our team continues, pro-bono, to manage, update and keep secure this local commemorative project. A powerful statement devised by the community on the anniversary of WW1.
Muddy Boots – A therapeutic garden, run by Burton’s finest volunteers to support the community. We provide funding, donations, management support, insurance cover and business acumen, and a web presence, of course, for this life-affirming community project…
The Broadway team could not do this work without your support. A heartfelt thank you.
‘We have gathered practical advice from 10 entrepreneurs in different business segments to give you a list of advice on how to start your social enterprise. For an in depth guide on how to start a social enterprise visit: ‘
Examples from around the globe – there are social enterprises just down the road from you now!
We are a social enterprise – here is how we define ourselves
Looking forward to a brighter 2021 for all. Our plans for the coming year are featured below. We are pivoting our non-profit company to become a more widely focused community hub, deploying our project support, funding and management skills across a wider area in South Staffordshire.
If something catches your interest in our 2021 programme, contact us here…
‘Profit and purpose are not mutually exclusive elements of business. The field of social entrepreneurship offers meaningful opportunities that exist at the intersection of the public and private sectors. Erica discusses her experiences in and out of the classroom developing self-sustaining business models that combat social inequities in hopes of inspiring more people to take action.’
We can’t wait to have you along for the journey…
We are a Social Enterprise and a Company Limited by Guarantee
Company number 10716581
Registered office address:
Broadway Social Enterprise Limited, Offices of SmithMartin LLP, EcoTech Business Centre, Unit 27d, Turbine Way, Swaffham, Norfolk, PE37 7XD
Page header images: Computer production - Andrea Piaquadio, Creative Commons, : Tree image - Picography, Creative Commons, : Counselling image - Cottonbro, Creative Commons, : Grass and Books, Pixabay, Creative Commons, : Muddy Boots garden image - from our company archive
You can discover what a Social Enterprise is here…
View our historic town here...
An occasional video feature; news and ideas from across the charitable and social enterprise sector…
Edition 4. Charity? Sustainable community development from a position of community strength?
( …read a book about it we say too – Ed: )
Cormac Russell talks about the principles of finding the inner strength of communities and building confidence, skills and sustainable projects from that base. Not from community failure, but from community undiscovered skills and drive.
Although from the middle of the last decade, this is a timely and refreshing reminder of the best principles of community development, whether through enterprise or social change…to help others to help themselves and to celebrate their inherent community capacities too.